
放射治疗在浸润性乳腺癌保乳术中的进展和争议 被引量:6

Progress and Controversies:radiation therapy for invasive breast cancer of breast-conserving surgery
摘要 放射治疗是浸润性乳腺癌保乳术综合治疗的重要组成部分之一,选取恰当的患者术后给予局部放疗,不但可以有效降低局部复发率,而且可以降低远处转移率和提高生存率。本综述回顾性探讨放射治疗在浸润性乳腺癌保乳术中的应用,选择合适的放疗方法,降低毒副作用,获得最佳的治疗目的,并总结了新的放疗方法:低分割放疗和调强放疗,对不同病例的治疗情况,同时还探讨了保乳术后放疗的争议。希望本综述能为以后的临床工作和研究指引方向。 Radiation therapy is a critical component of the multidisciplinary management of invasive breast cancer . In appropriately selected patients ,radiation not only improves local control and distress of local recurrence ,but also improves survival by preventing seeding and reseeding .This article reviews the role of radiation therapy in invasive breast cancer management after breast‐conserving surgery .It focuses on emerging evidence that helps to define the clinical situations in which radiotherapy is indicated ,the appropriate targets of treatment ,and optimal approaches for minimizing the toxicity . It includes a discussion of new approaches ,including hypofractionation and intensity modulation ,as well as a discussion of promising avenues for future research .
出处 《医学与哲学(B)》 2015年第4期52-54,共3页 Medicine & Philosophy(B)
关键词 乳腺癌 保乳术 放射治疗 低分割放疗 调强放疗 breast cancer breast-conserving surgery radiation therapy hypofractionation radiotherapy intensitymodulated radiotherapy
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