
针灸治疗高脂血症实验研究文献计量学分析 被引量:8

Bibliometric Analysis on Literature of Experimental Study on Acupuncture Treating Hyperlipidemia
摘要 目的分析针灸治疗高脂血症实验研究的文献特征及研究现状。方法纳入中国知网、维普数据库、万方数据库和Pubmed数据库1993年1月至2013年12月期间针灸治疗高脂血症的实验研究文献,采用文献计量学方法,对其文献特征(论文发表年份、发表期刊、作者单位、基金资助)及实验特征(实验动物、造模方法、动物取材、观察指标、刺灸方法与选用穴位)进行统计分析。结果共纳入76篇中文期刊文献。发表年份以2011年为最多,共17篇;发表期刊中医类59篇(78%),针灸类17篇(22%);第一作者主要分布于中医药大学及其附属医院(71篇,93%);文献有市级基金资助5篇(7%),省部级基金资助30篇(39%),国家级基金资助21篇(28%)。高脂血症的实验动物以大鼠为主,共55篇,占72%;造模方法以高脂饲料喂养为主,共62篇,占82%,其次为腹腔注射75%蛋黄乳液7篇(9%);实验动物取材为血液64篇(84%),肝组织11篇(14%);血液的主要观察指标为总胆固醇51篇、甘油三酯51篇、高密度脂蛋白胆固醇46篇、低密度脂蛋白胆固醇46篇,肝组织的主要观察指标为ATP结合盒转运蛋白A1(5篇)、过氧化物酶体增殖物激活受体(3篇);穴位使用频次最高为丰隆穴23次,占总频次30%,其次为足三里(后三里)穴20次(26%),再次为神阙穴14次(18%);实验所用刺灸方法以针刺为主,共计52篇,占68%,其次艾灸21篇(28%)、针药结合3篇(4%)、穴位注射1篇(1%)。结论针灸治疗高脂血症实验研究近年呈现一定的增长及相对集中趋势;针灸治疗高脂血症穴位选择应全面考虑高脂血症虚、痰、湿、瘀的病机特点,关注针灸调脂效应对靶器官的保护作用。 Objective ture treating hyperlipidemia. To analyze literature characteristics and research status of experimental study on acupdnc- Methods Review all literature of experimental study on acupuncture treating hyper- lipidemia from China National Knowledge Infrastructure, VIP Data, Wanfang Data and Pubmed from January of 1993 to December of 2013. Adopt bibliometric methods to paper published, author's origin and fund assistance, analyze literature characteristics including year and journal of and experiment characteristics including experimental animal, modeling methods, obtaining samples, observation indexes, techniques of acupuncture and moxibustion and points chosen. Results There were totally 76 periodical papers in Chinese. Seventeen papers were published in 2011,59 papers were published in traditional Chinese Medicine journals, accounting for 78% ; i7 were in acupuncture journals, covering 22%. First authors were mainly from universities of Chinese medicine and affiliated hospitals (71 papers, 93% ). Papers with city level fund assistance were 5 (7%), and with ministry or provincial level fund assistance were 30 (39%), national level 21 (28%). Most experimental animals were rats (55 papers, 72% ). The main modeling method was feeding with high fat forage (62 papers, 82% ) ; the second was intraperitoneal injection of 75% yolk emulsion (7 papers, 9% ). Obtaining samples were blood (64 papers, 84% ) and hepatic tissue (11 papers, 14% ). Main observation indexes of blood were total cholesterol (51 papers), triglyceride (51 papers), high density lipoprotein cholesterol (46 papers) and low density lipoprotein cholesterol (46 papers). Main observa- tion indexes of hepatic tissue was ATP-binding cassette transporter A1 (5 papers) and peroxisome proliferators-activa- ted receptor ( 3 papers). The most frequently used point was "Fenglong ( ST40 )" ( 23times, 30% ), "Zusanli (ST36)" (20 times, 26% ) was the second, "Shenque (RN8)" (14 times, 18% ) the third. About therapeutic techniques, acupuncture was mostly adopted (52 papers, 68% ), moxibustion was the second (21 papers, 28% ), acupuncture combined with medicine as the third (3 papers, 4% ), and point injection as the fourth (1 paper, 1% ). Conelusiort Recently, experimental studies on acupuncture treating hyperlipidemia increased and relatively concentrated. Considering point selection in acupunture treatment of hyperlipidemia, the pathogenesis features of hyperlipidemia, such as deficiency, phlegm, dampness and blood stasis, and the protection of lipid regulating effect of acupuncture and moxibustion on target organs should be concerned.
出处 《中医杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第11期972-977,共6页 Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine
基金 国家自然科学基金(81373716) 国家中医药管理局中医药防治重大疑难疾病临床服务能力建设项目 湖南中医药大学博士科研启动基金(9982-1001-014) 湖南省大学生研究性学习和创新性实验计划(1021-0001-017-065)
关键词 高脂血症 针灸疗法 实验研究 文献计量学 hyperlipidemia acupuncture and moxibustion experimental study bibliometric
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