

摘要 碳排放是国际社会关注的焦点,而贸易中隐含的能源消耗与碳排放测算是研究贸易对环境影响的关键问题。本文从隐含碳的角度来分析江苏贸易的能源环境影响,探讨了江苏应该如何在全球化中更好地平衡能源环境压力与发展利益的问题,利用投入产出模型对江苏隐含碳出口变化趋势、进口变化趋势、净出口变化趋势、总能量流动趋势进行了对比分析。研究发现,江苏的隐含碳进出口呈波动状态,在综合考虑隐含碳和进出口能源产品的情况下,隐含碳进口量无论用本身能耗系数计算还是用进口来源国国内单位GDP能耗计算,都是能量净流入地区。 Carbon emission has become the focus of the world, thus it is the key problem of the accounting energy consumption and carbon emission embodied in international trade in order to study the influence of international trade on environment. The paper analyzed the effects of trade on Jiangsu's energy environment in the view of embodied carbon and gave the answer how to balance the pressure of environment and development benefit in globalization. The export trend, import trend, net export trend and the total energy flow trends were comparatively analyzed based on inputoutput model. The results showed that Jiangsu embodied carbon imports and exports are in a state of fluctuation. Taking embodied carbon and actual energy into account, whether embodied carbon is calculated by Jiangsu energy consumption factor or by importing country' energy con- sumption per unit of GDP, Jiangsu is a net energy export origin.
作者 王世进
出处 《企业经济》 北大核心 2015年第5期143-147,共5页 Enterprise Economy
基金 江苏师范大学博士学位人员支持项目"低碳视角下江苏城市居民节能行为及政策研究"(批准号:14XWR020)
关键词 进出口贸易 隐含碳 投入产出法 import and export embodied carbon input- output method
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