对四川乐山费约果(Feijoa sallow iana Berg.)果园中5年生实生费约果进行测定,利用SPSS Origin8统计绘图软件探明了费约果株高与干粗的关系,建立了费约果叶面积、叶面积指数(LAI)、树冠体积预估模型。结果表明,费约果株高与干粗的关系为:D=16.24H2-53.31H+78.33;叶面积预估模型为:y=0.630x+0.333(x为叶片的横纵径之积),树冠体积模型为:V=0.355×L1.825×H10.923×D-0.602×H0.916,叶面积指数的模型为:LAI=-0.761H2+6.526H+0.187D2-1.187D-4.888,3个模型的预估精度分别为91.31%、88.65%、92.01%,说明所建模型可较好地预估费约果叶面积、叶面积指数、树冠体积。
Taking 5 years old Feijoa in Sichuan province as material,the predicting models of specific leaf area,crown volume and LAI for Feijoa were developed by using Excel and SPSS tools. The results showed that the predicting model of height and DBH was D=16.24H2- 53.31 H + 78.33;The specific leaf area model was,y=0.630x+0.333(xrefers to the result of leaf major axis multiply leaf minor axis);The crown volume predicting model was V=0.355×L1.825×H10.923×D-0.602×H0.916(L refers to crown length,H1 refers to crown height,D refers to DBH,H refers to total height);The LAI model was LAI=-0.761H2+6.526H+0.187D2-1.187D-4.888(D refers to DBH,H refers to total height). All of those models were evaluated and the accuracy were 91.65%,88.65%,92.01%. Therefore,the models were suitable for estimating the height and DBH,specific leaf area,crown volume and LAI for Feijoa.
Guangdong Agricultural Sciences