

The Preliminary Research of Russ Khanate
摘要 中世纪时期的法兰克史料《别尔京编年史》和阿拉伯史料《商路》所记述的罗斯可汗、罗斯汗国,在时间上早于俄国第一部编年体通史《往年纪事》有关邀请留里克入主诺夫哥罗德的时间记载,这直接关联到罗斯名称的来源以及基辅罗斯国家建立的时间问题,因此对俄国古代国家起源的研究至关重要。依据相关史料可见,罗斯汗国是由9世纪上半期东欧地域广泛的沿河商贸活动所形成,其可汗的称谓源于哈扎尔汗国的影响。罗斯汗国的建立者更大可能是斯堪的纳维亚人,其权力中心所在位置也最可能在伊尔门湖地区沃尔霍夫河沿岸的留里克沃。 Frank's documents Annales Bertiniani and Arab's documents Trade Routes in the middle ages recorded the time of inviting Ryurik to rule the Novgorod, which is earlier than the time recorded in the first chronicle history book in Rus- sia named IIoBecTH BpeMemtbix πeT. It relates directly to the name source of the Russ and the establishing time of the Kievian Rus, which is important to the study of the origin of ancient Russian state. The author preliminarily considers that the Russ Khanate is the result of river-side trading activities in Eastern Europe during the first half of 9th century, and the name of Chaganus is under the influence of Khazaria Khanate. The founder of Russ Khanate is more possibly the Scandinavian and the center of rule may be located in Riurikovo, which is in the Volkhov River of Ilmen Lake area.
作者 齐嘉
出处 《江苏师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2015年第3期66-71,共6页 Journal of Jiangsu Normal University:Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition
关键词 罗斯汗国 罗斯可汗 Russ Khanate Chaganus
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