
从查韦斯到马杜罗的委内瑞拉外交政策——兼具延续性和现实政治变化的特点 被引量:2

The Venezuelan foreign policy from Chávez to Maduro——Between Continuity and Change Realpolitik
摘要 2013年3月乌戈·查韦斯去世,政权交到了他生前指定的接班人尼古拉斯·马杜罗手中。从总体上看,委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国新政府的对外政策没有重大调整,委内瑞拉政府将继续致力于建立多极化、多边主义和反对霸权主义的世界格局。委内瑞拉正尝试改善与美国的双边关系,但是未来的两国关系依然会非常紧张。同时,马杜罗政府重视通过区域一体化来提升委内瑞拉在西半球的地位,特别是在拉美和加勒比国家共同体(CELAC)及南方共同市场(MERCOSUR)中的地位。值得注意的是,马杜罗政府暂停了美洲玻利瓦尔联盟(ALBA)的援助活动,这原本是查韦斯的外交核心。另外,在应对国内严重的政治和经济危机的同时,马杜罗开始计划和中国建立战略伙伴关系,这将是未来很长一段时间马杜罗政府的外交重心。 The transition between President Hugo Chdvez, who deceased in March 2013, and this designated successor, President Nicolds Maduro, doesn't broadly defines the articulation of a new foreign policy strategy for the Bolivarian Re- public of Venezuela. Caracas still support the configuration of a multipolar and multilateral no hegemonic world, perspec- tive which continues to maintain a tense struggle with the US despite the timid attempts to rearrange the bilateral relation- ship. However, while priority in efforts to strengthen the Venezuelan hemispheric position through regional integration, particularly within the CELAC and MERCOSUR, some paralysis have been observed of action around ALBA, key root of Chivez's external action. In contrast, Maduro begins to design a strategic partnership with China that is sensed as a prior- ity in the short and medium term, particularly relevant to the currently existing financial and economic crisis in Venezuela.
出处 《江苏师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2015年第3期97-103,共7页 Journal of Jiangsu Normal University:Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition
关键词 委内瑞拉 外交政策 查韦斯 马杜罗 中国 Venezuela Foreign Policy Hugo Chcivez Nicolds Maduro China.
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  • 1Instituto Galego de Andlise e Documentacibn Internacional (IGADI) . http://www, igadi, org/web/programas - de - investigacion/programa- seguridade- conflitos e- alternativas- no- siste ma- internacional/observatorio - do - alba. Pdgina web del ALBA: http://www, portalalba, org/index, php/. Consultar tambi6n: ALBA (Alternativa Bolivariana para las Am6ricas) en Emir Sader e Ivana Jinkins (coords), Latinoamericana. Enciclo pedia Contempordnea de America Latina y el Caribe, CLACSO Coediciones, Editorial AKAL, Boitempo editorial, 2009, pp. 66-67.
  • 2http://www. igadi, org/web/anallseoplnlon/venezuela o- sacudon- de- maduro.
  • 3MANSILLA BLANCO, Roberto, " MERCOSUR e China: pe6ns estrat6ticos para Maduro". IGADI, 24 de julio de 2013. Ver en: http://www, igadi, org/web/analiseopinion/mercosur- e- china- peons- estratexicos- para- maduro.
  • 4MANSILLA BLANCO, Roberto, "E1 ALBA post- Chdvez" Anuario CEID (Argentina) e IGADI, 11 de febrero de 2014 Vet en.. http://www, igadi, org/web/analiseopinion/el- alba- post- ehavez.
  • 5SLIPAK, Ariel M. Am6rica Latina y China: cooperaci6n Sur- Sur o Consenso de Beijing" Revista Nueva Sociedad, N'250, ma- rzo-abril de 2014. ISSN: 0251-3552. Veren: http://www. nuso. org/upload/articulos/4019_l, pdf.
  • 6RiOS, Xulio, "China y Venezuela, de la alianza perfecta a la alianza madura". Observatorio de laPolitica China (OPCh) e IGADI, 24 de septiembre de 2013. Ver en: http://www, igadi, org/web/analiseopinion/china- y - venezuela- de- la- alianza- perfecta- a- la- alianza- ma- dura.
  • 7MANSILLA BLANCO, Roberto, "Venezuela: o sacud6n de Maduro". IGADI, 8 de septiembre de 2014. Ver en: ht- tp://www, igadi, org/web/analiseopinion/venezuela- o-sa- eudon- de- maduro.










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