

Six Common Listening Question Types in the German DSH Test——Taking DSH Tests of University of Freiburg 2007-2013 For Example
摘要 DSH考试是为外国学生申请在德国高校入学而组织的一项语言考试,能够全面考察考生的德语语言水平。其中听力理解考试是重要的组成部分,也是中国考生的传统弱项。为了对考生的听力技能进行全面客观的考察,DSH听力考试的题目设置也往往灵活多样,难度逐级递增,并与其他语言能力紧密结合。本文选取德国弗莱堡大学2007-2013年间六次DSH考试的听力理解部分,解析DSH听力考试的组织形式、评估标准以及常见题目类型,其中重点总结了六大最常见的题型,即填空、补充表格、判断正误、排列顺序、理解归纳和总结复述。此外,本文通过分析DSH听力考试的特点,总结解题技巧,给中国考生备考DSH提供了科学的建议。 The DSH test is a language proficiency test for non-native German language speakers who plan to enroll in a German university. The section of “listening comprehension and use of the language from a listening text” is an important part of the examination and also one of the greatest weaknesses for Chinese students. In order to test the listening skills comprehensively and objectively, the questions are always designed in flexible and diverse forms and becomes increasingly difficult step by step. Six DSH listening tests of University of Freiburg from 2007 to 2013 for example are selected and the test structure,the evaluation criteria and the common question types are analyzed,among which,the most common questions including filling in the blanks,table completion,true or false,order sentences,induction and iteration are mainly summarized. In addition,effective skills are summarized by analyzing the DSH characteristics in order to help Chinese examinees pass the DSH test.
作者 赵梦迪
出处 《山东高等教育》 2015年第2期39-46,共8页 Review of Higher Education
关键词 DSH考试 弗莱堡大学 听力理解 题型分析 DSH test University of Freiburg listening comprehension question types
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