
一种基于RFID和动态人脸识别技术的警用装备管理解决方案 被引量:6

One Solution of Police Equipment Management System Based on RFID and Face Recognition
摘要 针对传统警用装备管理在效率和可靠性等方面存在的问题,提出一种基于RFID和人脸识别技术的警用装备管理解决方案。结果表明,该管理系统能够实现警用装备的自动识别和使用者自动匹配,有效提高了装备管理的效率和水平,从而实现装备管理智能化。 Aiming at the existing problems in efficiency and reliability of traditional management of police equipment. An RFID and face recognition - based method was designed in this paper. The results showed that,recognition and user police equipment automatic matching, effectively improve the efficiency and the level of equipment management, so as to realize intelligent equipment management.
机构地区 重庆市公安局
出处 《信息技术与信息化》 2015年第3期166-167,共2页 Information Technology and Informatization
关键词 RFID 人脸识别 装备管理 RFID Face Recognition Equipment Management
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