目前,饮用水污染严重,常规工艺处理出现了水质不能达标的现象。本文主要研究在常规工艺增加预臭氧-活性炭过滤工艺,对不同的预臭氧投加量进行实验。结果表明:预臭氧投加量,对工艺各单元的处理效果有一定关系,随着投加量的增加,各单元对浊度、CODMn、UV254的去除呈现增大后趋于平缓甚至下降的趋势,而最佳臭氧的投加量为0.65 mg/L。为实际预臭氧-活性炭过滤工艺的运行提供指导。
Water pollution is more and more serious and the conventional process can not satisfy the standards. Therefore,this article studies on the conventional process which includes the preoxidation and the active carbon filtration process,experimenting the different dosages of the preozone. The results show that the ozone dosing quantity and the processing effect of the units of technology has a certain relationship,with the increase of additive amount,the removal of turbidity,CODMn,UV254 increase at the beginning,then becomes placid,even declining. In this paper,the optimal dosage of ozone is 0. 65 mg / L.
Environmental Science and Management