
美国职业愿景教育探究与借鉴 被引量:2

Prospectus on American vocational education
摘要 美国教育职业愿景形成路径由课程路径、体验路径和学习方式路径复合而成。课程路径是根据人的能力发展规律设计的一系列课程,体现了感知——认知的意识发展规律;体验路径强调学习者个人的经历和主观能动性,并关注家庭、社会的影响;学习方式路径针对形成职业愿景的特殊要求,设计了工作本位学习、荣誉导师计划、职业技术学生组织等新型学习方式。我国的职业愿景教育在理论研究及实践层次均有待提高。 The prospectus of American vocational education is made up of curriculum, experiencing, and learning styles. The curriculum includes a series of courses based upon an individual's capability, re- fleeting development of human ability and cognitive process from perception to awareness. The experience refers to learner's personal experience and initiatives under the influence of both his family and society. Learning style includes work--based learning, mentor program and student organization. In contrast, Chi- nese vocational education has long way to go in theory and practice.
作者 龚雯 周志刚
出处 《河北师范大学学报(教育科学版)》 北大核心 2015年第3期76-81,共6页 Journal of Hebei Normal University(Educational Science)
基金 北京市教育科学规划"十二五"重点课题"高等职业教育实施职业资格认证制度的基本条件和建设研究"(AEA1194)
关键词 职业愿景 美国 教育路径 occupation prospectus America education pathway
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