目的分析绍兴市2013年恶性肿瘤的发病现状。方法从浙江省慢性病监测信息管理系统中提取绍兴市2013年恶性肿瘤发病数据,计算发病率、中国人口标化率(中标率)和构成比等指标进行描述性分析。结果 2013年绍兴市恶性肿瘤发病率为334.61/10万(男性为368.15/10万,女性为300.85/10万),中标率为150.35/10万(男性为157.90/10万,女性为142.21/10万)。恶性肿瘤发病率在0~39岁年龄段处于较低水平(≤115.35/10万),从40岁(193.73/10万)后明显上升,在80~84岁组达到高峰(1 460.85/10万),85~岁组发病率(1 288.88/10万)有所回落。2013年绍兴市发病率前十位的恶性肿瘤分别为肺癌、胃癌、肝癌、甲状腺癌、乳房癌、直肠癌、结肠癌、食管癌、胰腺癌和宫颈癌,占全部恶性肿瘤的73.57%。男、女性发病率居首位的恶性肿瘤分别为肺癌(84.85/10万)和乳房癌(47.55/10万)。结论绍兴市恶性肿瘤发病率呈增长趋势,肺癌发病率增加较快,甲状腺癌发病率增长急剧,应引起重视。
Objective To analyze the incidence of malignant tumor in Shaoxing city in 2013. Methods Data were retrieved from chronic disease monitoring information management system and were analyzed descriptively for crude incidence,age-standardized incidence rate by Chinese standard population(ASR China)and constituent proportion. Results In 2013,the crude incidence of malignant tumor in Shaoxing was 334.61per100 000population(368.15/100 000 in male,300.85/100 000 in female)with the ASR of 150.35 per 100 000population(157.90/100 000 in male,142.21/100 000 in female).The incidence of malignant tumor was low among residents aged 0-39years(≤115.35/100 000),which gradually climbed up to its highest of 1 460.85 per 100 000 population in age group of 80-84 years and then slid down slightly after 85 years old(1 288.88/100 000).The top ten malignant tumors were found to be lung cancer,gastric cancer,liver cancer,thyroid cancer,breast cancer,rectal cancer,colon cancer,esophageal cancer,pancreatic cancer,cervical cancer,accounting for 73.57% of the total.Lung cancer and breast cancer were the top one malignant tumors among men and women. Conclusions The incidence of malignant tumor shows upward trend in Shaoxing,especially lung cancer.Besides,the incidence of thyroid cancer increases rapidly.
Chinese Preventive Medicine