
英语世界元杂剧研究博士论文(1952—2011)的研究特征、方法以及意义与价值 被引量:5

Doctoral Dissertations on Yuan Drama in the English-speaking World(1952—2011) : Research Characteristics,Methods and Significance
摘要 作为英语世界元杂剧研究的重要组成部分,英语世界元杂剧研究博士论文不仅数量可观,更以其丰富各异而又新颖独创的研究内容、科学实证而又多维独特的研究方法,进一步拓展了元杂剧的内在文学美学蕴涵及外在的文化艺术张力;作为全新的他者,其必将会进一步拓展中国国内元杂剧研究的视域、为其生成更多的学术思维与理论资源。以此而论,英语世界的元杂剧研究博士论文无疑具有独特的学术意义与价值。系统梳理英语世界元杂剧研究博士论文的研究内容、归结其研究特征与方法,并在中西比较寻求差异的基础之上探究其意义与价值,对于新时期的中外元杂剧研究达到有效的"互识、互证与互补",进而迎来一个多元、互通、繁荣发展的广袤空间,无疑具有极大的学术意义与价值。 As an integral part of studies on Yuan drama in the English-speaking world, abundant doc-toral dissertations are characterized by their rich and original research contents, scientific demonstra-tions, and multidimensional and unique research methods.These dissertations have greatly enriched Yuan drama’s internal literary and aesthetic connotations, as well as its external cultural and artistic tension.On this basis, they will definitely further expand the vision of studies on Yuan drama in Chi-na, thus generating more academic thoughts and theoretical resources.From this perspective, we can say that doctoral dissertations on Yuan drama in the English-speaking world are of great academic sig-nificance.Hence, we should systematically analyze their research contents, characteristics, methods and conclusions, so as to explore their value based on differences arising from the comparison between China and western countries.Only on this condition can we better understand and complement each other, leading to a vast space for diversified and dynamic studies on Yuan drama both at home and a-broad in the new era.
作者 李安光
出处 《南京师大学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第3期107-118,共12页 Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Social Science Edition)
基金 2012年度教育部哲学社会科学研究重大课题攻关项目"英语世界中国文学的译介与研究"(12JZD016)阶段性成果
关键词 英语世界 元杂剧研究 博士论文 特征与方法 意义与价值 English-speaking world studies on Yuan drama doctoral dissertations characteristics and methods significance and value
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