
哈尔滨的波兰侨民 被引量:1

Polish Community in Harbin
摘要 波兰侨民出现在哈尔滨与中东铁路的修建紧密相关。波兰侨民不仅在中东铁路管理局任职,还在市政厅、银行、法庭等相应岗位任职,一些波兰侨民还拥有林业和矿业企业。波兰侨民享有良好的生活条件,俄当局对他们的态度是自由宽松的。哈尔滨的波兰侨民社团是围绕"波兰奉主会"社团建立的。 The presence of Poles in Harbin is related to the construction of the Chinese Eastern Railway.Poles occupied responsible positions not only in the Railway's management board,but also in administration,banks and courts. Some of them were the holders of forest and carbon concessions. Poles' living conditions were good and the Russian authorities' attitude towards them was favorable and liberal. In Harbin Polish emigrants were centered around the Association " Polish Inn"( "Polska Gospoda"). It led Polish schools,set social organizations and published newspapers. After Poland regained its independence and sovereignty,in Harbin was launched Polish consulate. Michat Morgulec was the first consul. After the establishment of the puppet state of Manchukuo,many Poles emigrated,and the last of them were evacuated from Manchuria after the proclamation of the People's Republic of China.
出处 《黑河学院学报》 2015年第2期5-9,共5页 Journal of Heihe University
关键词 哈尔滨 波兰侨民 移民 国际关系 Harbin Polish community migration international relations
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