
血管源性中枢急性前庭综合征及其眼震形式 被引量:17

Central Acute Vestibular Syndrome of Vascular Cause and Its Nystagmus Patterns
摘要 急性前庭综合征(acute vestibular syndrome,AVS)是以急性持续性眩晕起病,伴有恶心、呕吐,自发眼震,步态不稳,头动不能耐受等症状的临床综合征,持续时间超过24 h,大多为数天或数周。中枢性AVS以血管源性常见,其中大多数为后循环缺血性卒中,尤其部分脑干、小脑梗死常表现为急性孤立性眩晕,这类患者的诊断极具挑战性。随着前庭及眼动生理机制研究的深入,基于前庭、眼动及姿势平衡系统等方面的床旁检查重要性也日益凸显。眩晕患者的床旁检查,除了常规的神经科及耳科查体外,基于前庭-眼反射的各类眼震的评价极有助于快速诊断、识别中枢性AVS。本文对血管源性中枢性AVS的神经血管解剖基础、脑干和小脑卒中所致AVS的眼震特点等进行了综述归纳。 The onset of acute vestibular syndrome (AVS) is characterized by rapid permanent vertigo, accompanying nausea, vomiting, spontaneous nystagmus, unsteady gait and intolerant head motion, these clinical symptoms last for more than 24 hours, the majority of AVS patients suffer for several days or weeks. Central AVS often originates from vascular causes, most of which are posterior circulation ischemic stroke. Even some patients with brain stem and cerebellar infarction present acute isolated vertigo, which is extremely challenging for diagnosis. With the development of researches about vestibular and eye movement physiology mechanism, bedside examination including vestibular, eye movement and posture balance system has become increasingly important. In addition to conventional neurology and otology examinations, nystagmus evaluation, which is based on the vestibular-eye reflex, contributes to rapid diagnosis of central AVS among vertigo patients. The present study elucidates the central AVS and nystagmus characteristics.
出处 《中国卒中杂志》 2015年第5期435-441,共7页 Chinese Journal of Stroke
关键词 中枢 眩晕 急性前庭综合征 后循环梗死 眼震 Central Vertigo Acute vestibular syndrome Posterior circulation infarction Nystagmus
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