
布什与奥巴马政治演说的隐喻架构分析——以国情咨文中关于税收的演说为例 被引量:1

A Metaphorical Framing Analysis of Bush's and Obama's Political Speeches
摘要 运用隐喻架构理论和美国两党道德模式分析政治语篇中的隐喻性表层架构和深层架构,能够帮助人们很好地理解政治话语,剖析政治演说中蕴含的深层内涵。通过对布什与奥巴马国情咨文关于税收演说的隐喻架构分析,发现布什主要使用了两个隐喻性表层架构:旅程架构和财务管理架构;奥巴马主要使用了三个隐喻性表层架构:旅程架构、商业架构和灾难架构。在架构的使用上,布什能够使用更加恰当的架构来强调共和党的执政理念,并使用能够能激起人们不满的架构来评价民主党,而奥巴马更加容易陷入共和党的陷阱,减弱了其演说的接受度。政治家在其政治演说中智慧地使用词语驾驭架构非常重要。 Applying metaphorical framing theory and two parties' moral models of the US to analyze the meta- phorical surface frame and deep frame could help people to understand political discourse exactly. It also can dis- sect the deep connotation of political discourse. Through the metaphorical framing analysis of Bush's and Obama's speeches on tax in their State of Union Address, we find that Bush mainly used two metaphorical surface frame which are "journey frame" and "financial management frame". Obama mainly used three metaphorical surface frames which are "journey frame", "commercial frame" and "disaster frame". In the use of frame, Bush used more appropriate frame to emphasize the governing idea of the Republican Party, and also used the frame which can arouse the public dissatisfaction to evaluate the Democratic Party. Obama is much easier to fall into the trap of Re- publican Party, which weakens the acceptance of his speech. It is very important that politicians drive the frame by using words wisely in their political speeches.
出处 《山西师大学报(社会科学版)》 2015年第3期56-61,共6页 Journal of Shanxi Normal University(Social Science Edition)
基金 教育部人文社科研究一般项目(11YJA740085) 江苏省普通高校研究生科研计划创新项目(KYLX_0685)
关键词 隐喻 架构 政治演说 国情咨文 税收 metaphor frame political discourse state of the union address tax
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