目的比较不同培养基、孵育温度及培养时间的选择对透析液和反渗水微生物监测总菌落计数的差异,确认透析液和反渗水微生物监测的最佳培养条件。方法采用无菌透析液和无菌反渗水配置模拟污染水样本,倾注法接种于伊红美蓝琼脂(EMB)、大豆酪蛋白琼脂(TSA)、胰蛋白胨葡萄糖浸液(TGEA)培养基,于25℃和35℃分别进行培养,并记录培养48、72 h及7 d的生长情况。结果不论是25℃还是35℃,TGEA的生长情况均最佳且最接近预期菌落数(P<0.05);各种培养基培养72 h比48 h生长好(P<0.05);培养7 d后的菌落数与培养72 h比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论使用倾注平板法及TGEA培养基对透析液和反渗水进行微生物监测,需同时在25℃及35℃条件下培养至少72 h,方可产生有效的监测报告,确保患者的透析安全。
Objective To compare the difference between media, incubation temperatures and culture times on the choice of hemodialysate and reverse osmosis water for microbiological monitoring of heterotrophic plate count, and further to confirm the best culture method of microbiological monitoring for hemodialysate and reverse osmosis.Methods The polluted samples were simulated by using sterile dialysate and sterile reverse osmosis water, and then were incubated in 25 ℃ and 35 ℃ with eosin methylene blue agar (EMB), tryptone soy agar (TSA) and tryptone glucose extract agar (TGEA)for 48 h, 72 h and 7 d, respectively.Results Either on 25 ℃ or 35 ℃, the bacteria′s growth condition in TGEA was better than those under other conditions(P 〈0.05).The colony numbers of 72 h incubation were more than those of 48 h incubation in all media (P 〈0.05).However, there was no statistical significance of colony numbers between 7 d incubation and 72 h incubation ( P〉0.05 ).Conclusions The microbiological monitoring for hemodialysate and reverse osmosis water needs to use pour plate method with TGEA, incubating in 25 ℃ and 35 ℃ for 72 h, which may provide the effective reports for ensuring the safety of hemodialysis patients.
Laboratory Medicine
Reverse osmosis water
Heterotrophic plate count