
阿富汗政党政治:历史、现状及其在后撤军时代的前景 被引量:3

Afghanistan's Party Politics: History, Current Situation, and the Prospect of the Post-withdrawal Era
摘要 阿富汗政党政治是阿富汗国家现代化建设和政治发展的产物。在几十年的政治实践中,作为政党政治主要载体和表现的政党在阿富汗的发展中经历了颇为曲折的过程,从无到有并一度中断。在2001年阿富汗开启重建进程后被纳入政治发展的规划中。然而,由于阿富汗政治环境的先天不完善以及一些人为因素的阻碍,阿富汗政党政治至今仍未发展成熟,在后撤军时代它的发展前景也不容乐观。 Afghanistan' s party politics is the product of Afghan national modernization and political development. After decades of political practice, as the main carrier and manifestation of the party politics, the Afghan party has experienced a process of twists and turns: it grew from nothing and had to be interrupted; in 2001, it was re-opened and incorporated into the agenda of political development. However, due to the inherent defect of Afghanistan' s political environment and some man-made interferences, the development of Af-ghanistan' s party politics is not matured yet and its post-withdrawal era does not look promising.
作者 杨恕 宛程
出处 《兰州大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第2期68-77,共10页 Journal of Lanzhou University(Social Sciences)
关键词 阿富汗 阿富汗政党 政党政治 军阀 《政党法》 Afghanistan the Afghan party party politics warlord Party Legislation
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