
PISA 2012教育成功国家和地区的基本经验 被引量:6

The Basic Experiences of the Successful Countries and Regions in PISA 2012
摘要 OECD认为卓越、公平和包容是教育成功的三个评价标准,并基于PISA 2012数据对教育卓越、教育公平以及教育包容进行操作性定义,从这三个维度出发对参加国和地区的学生成绩进行比较分析。教育成功国家和地区的基本经验主要体现在建设高质量的师资队伍、保证教育体系的公平性、创设满足不同学生需求的学习环境三方面。重新审视教育成功的内涵,有助于树立正确的质量观,全面提高教育质量,实现卓越、公平和包容的统一。 OECD believes excellence, equity and inclusion are the main evaluation criteria of successful ed- ucation. It defined educational excellence, educational equity and educational inclusiveness based on the PISA 2012 data and compared the students' achievements of all the countries and regions that participated PISA 2012. The study shows that the basic experiences of the successful countries and regions in PISA 2012 are mainly em- bodied in high quality teachers, equity of the education system, and learning environments to meet the different needs of students. The new connotation of successful education is helpful to establish a new and correct view of quality, improve the quality of education, and realize the unity of excellence, equity and inclusiveness in education.
出处 《比较教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第6期14-20,29,共8页 International and Comparative Education
基金 北京市哲学社会科学规划重点项目"北京建设中国特色世界城市与教育国际化问题研究"(课题批准号:13JYA003)的阶段性研究成果之一
关键词 OECD 教育卓越 教育公平 教育包容 PISA educational excellence educational equity educational inclusiveness basic experiences PISA
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