
自我塑造:德国现代大学的核心理念——兼与王飞博士商榷及相关问题补充 被引量:4

Self-cultivate:the Core Concept of Modern University in Germany——Discuss with Dr Wang and Supplement some Content
摘要 "自我塑造"作为德国现代大学理念的核心,发端于康德的自由与自然的二律背反,费希特沿着康德的道路用"自我"设定"非我"将其思想进一步体系化,为德国现代大学理念提供了哲学基础。席勒则用游戏审美来调和自由和自然之间的悖论来建立"自我塑造"的美育途径,洪堡用"由学术达至修养"及其认识论回答了康德的命题。 "Self -cultivate" as the core concept of modern university in Germany, put forward Kant' s antino- my between freedom and natural, along the road to Kant, wrote "self' set "nonself" to Kant's philosophy to fur- ther deepen and systematism, Fichte provides philosophical basis of the concept of modem university in German. Schiller in his aesthetic education thoughts, namely, aesthetic through the game to reconcile the paradox between freedom and nature to establish the way of aesthetic education of "Self -cultivate", Humboldt with "Bildung by the wissenschaft" answered to Kant's epistemology.
作者 方华梁
出处 《比较教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第6期91-95,共5页 International and Comparative Education
关键词 大学理念 康德 费希特 洪堡 自我塑造 德国 concept of university Kant Fichte Humboldt discuss
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