目的:观察克拉屈滨联合中剂量阿糖胞苷(Ara-C)及粒细胞集落刺激因子(G-CSG)(CLAG方案)治疗复发/难治性急性髓细胞白血病(AML)的疗效及毒副作用。方法:观察组为2012-03-2014-02治疗的18例复发/难治性AML,治疗方案:克拉屈滨5mg/m2,静脉滴注,第1~5天;Ara-C 2g/m2,静脉滴注,q12h,第1~5天;G-CSF 300μg,皮下注射,第0~5天。对照组为2010-03-2012-02用CAG方案治疗的23例复发/难治性AML。结果:CLAG治疗的18例患者中,完全缓解(CR)率50%(9/18),部分缓解(PR)率16.7%(3/18),总有效率(OR)66.7%(12/18)。疗效与CAG方案相似。CLAG方案中,年龄≤30岁患者的CR率(65.1%)显著高于〉30岁组(44.6%)。而性别、外周血白细胞、骨髓原始细胞及细胞遗传学均不影响患者疗效。治疗前疾病状态也与临床疗效之间没有相关性。毒副作用主要为较强的骨髓抑制,其中粒细胞缺乏伴发热达88.9%(16/18),而胃肠道反应和肝功能受损均为轻度。无化疗相关死亡。结论:CLAG方案治疗复发/难治性AML的近期疗效较好,特别适合年龄≤30岁的年轻患者。
Objective .. To evaluate the clinical effect and toxicity of CLAG regimen in treatment of refractory/ relapsed acute myeloid leukemia (AML). Method : Observation group.. From Mar, 2012 to Feb, 2014, 18 patients with refractory and relapsed AML were treated with CLAG regimen. Cladribine was given on d1-5 at a dose of 5 mg/m2 intravenously,arabinoside cytosine was given on d1-5 at a dose of 2 g/m2 intravenously, and G-CSF was given on d0-5 at a dose of 300μg. Control group:From Mar,2010 to Feb,2012,23 patients with refractory/re- lapsed AML were treated with CAG regimen. Result: Out of the 18 patients treated with CLAG regimen, 12 pa- tients (66.7%) showed responses..9 patients (50%) giving complete response (CR) and 3 patients (16.7%) partial response (PR). The CR rate in patients under 30 years old was 65.1%, significantly higher than patients over 30 years old. The status before treatment wasn't relative with clinical response. Drug--related toxic effects of chemotherapy were severe bone marrow depression, mild gastrointestinal reactions and abnormal liver function. Conclusion:CI.AG regimen possesses moderate short term efficacy, acceptable toxicity, especially suitable for patients under 30 years old.
Journal of Clinical Hematology