

A study on career planning of minority students in the rural-doctor classes in Xinjiang Medical University
摘要 目的了解新疆医科大学高职学院少数民族乡村医师班学生的职业规划现状,为做好少数民族乡村医师班学生就业工作提供依据。方法对新疆医科大学高等职业技术学院508名在校少数民族乡村医师班学生进行问卷调查,内容包括选择就读的原因、影响专业选择的因素、就业意向、基层工作时限、影响去基层工作的因素,并对调查结果进行统计学分析。结果 (1)选择就读的前3个原因是为家乡农牧民服务(44%)、经济原因(20%)、就业有保障(16%);(2)影响专业选择的因素出于自愿占44%,受家长的影响者占35%,受老师、同学影响占15%;(3)服务期满后希望继续学习深造的学生占62%,去其他医院工作的学生占11%,选择继续留任指定乡镇卫生院工作的学生占23%;(4)45%的学生选择在乡镇卫生院工作8 a,20%的学生选择工作3~5 a,23%的学生选择工作0~3 a,12%的学生选择长期服务乡镇卫生院;(5)影响学生去基层工作的主要因素是个人发展前景受限(57%),其次是地方偏远生活条件艰苦(15%)。结论新疆医科大学少数民族乡村医师班学生职业规划状况不容乐观,应加强对少数民族乡村医师班学生的就业指导、职业规划,进一步完善配套倾斜政策和措施。 Objective To study the career planning situation of minority students in the rural-doctor classes in Higher Vocational College of Xinjiang Medical University with the aim to provide a scientific basis for good employment. Methods 508 minority students in rural-doctor classes in Higher Vocational College of Xinjiang Medical University were surveyed by a questionnaire to investigate the reasons and influencing factors of their professional choice, the employment direction, the working-time limit and the influencing factors of working at the grass-roots level. Statistical software was adopted to analyze the investigating re- sults. Results (1) the top three reasons of their professional choice included the willingness to serve the farmers and herdsmen at home (44%), economic reasons (20%) and employment security (16%); (2) the factors influencing their professional choice included making the choices by students themselves (44%), making the choices affected by parents (35%) and affected by teachers and classmates(15%) ; (3) after the service expiration, 62% students hoped to continue their further study, 11% students hoped to work at other hospitals and 23 % students chose to stay at the designated health clinics in towns and town- ships; (4) 45% of the students chose to work in the health clinics of towns and townships for 8 years, 20% for 3--5 years, 23% for 0--3 years, and only 12% of the students chose the long-term service in the health clinics of towns and townships; (5) the main factors influencing them to work at the grass-roots level included the limited prospects for their future development (57%) and harsh conditions in the remote places (15%). Conclusion The career planning situation of minority students in rural-doctor classes of Xinjiang Medical University was not optimistic. The career guidance and career planning for minority students in rural-doctor classes needed to be strengthened ;the relevant employment policies and measures needed to be further improved.
出处 《新疆医科大学学报》 CAS 2015年第6期777-780,共4页 Journal of Xinjiang Medical University
基金 新疆医科大学人文社会科学基金(2013XYSK50)
关键词 乡村医师 学生 职业规划 rural doctors minority students career planning
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