针对印染废水含有大量难以生物降解的有机物、生化性差等特点,采用"高效沉淀池/臭氧接触催化池/曝气生物滤池/砂滤"为主的工艺进行处理。处理水量为25 000吨/天,符合纺织印染整工业水污染物排放标准《GB4287-2012》。该工艺处理效果稳定,耐冲击负荷能力强。
Printing and dyeing wastewater contains a lot of refractory organic matter, has poor biochemical characteristic, was treated by using the technique of " Densadeg/ ozone /biological aerated filter/sand filtration". The treatment capacity is 25000 m^3/day, which meets Textiles Printing and Dyeing industrial water pollutants emissions standard 《GB4287-2012》. The treatment effect of this technique is stable, and has strong resistance to shock loading.
Henan Science and Technology