
一种准零刚度隔振缓冲器设计机理与应用研究 被引量:5

Design mechanism and application of quasi-zero stiffness isolator
摘要 目的:设计一种新型准零刚度隔振缓冲器,将其应用于救护车担架伤病员的隔振缓冲。方法:根据开槽碟形弹簧的准零刚度机理特性,应用高静态刚度、低动态刚度的隔振设计方法,采用开槽碟形弹簧的对合组合结构形式进行设计与应用验证。结果:设计的准零刚度隔振缓冲器力-位移特性曲线的趋势吻合度较好,救护车在沥青道路上以不同车速匀速行驶时,卧姿人体臀-头部频率计权加速度均小于0.315 m/s2。结论:该新型隔振缓冲器应用于救护车担架伤病员的隔振缓冲,伤病员处于一级非常舒适水平,具有较为显著的隔振缓冲效果。 Objective To develop a new quasi-zero stiffness isolator for the vibration isolation of the sick and wounded on the ambulance stretcher. Methods The isolator was designed and verified on the basis of the quasi-zero stiffness of slotted disk spring, vibration isolation design method with high static while low dynamic stiffness and co-laminated structure of the spring. Results The theoretical analyses and tests proved the force-displacement curves of the new quasi-zero stiffness isolator fit well. The frequency-weighted acceleration at the buttock and head under different speeds on the asphalt roads was less than 0.315 m/s2. Conclusion The new quasi-zero stiffness isolator developed behaves well in vibration isolation and comfortability for the ambulance stretcher sick and wounded.
出处 《医疗卫生装备》 CAS 2015年第5期34-36,共3页 Chinese Medical Equipment Journal
基金 后勤装备研制项目(AWS10Z003)
关键词 准零刚度 隔振缓冲 开槽碟形弹簧 乘卧舒适性 quasi-zero stiffness vibration isolation slotted conical disk spring ride comfort
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