从目前已投运300 MW等级CFB机组运行情况来看,一次风机大多存在选型裕量偏大、长期偏离高效区运行等问题。这不仅造成机组运行经济性较差,而且对机组运行的安全性也会产生较大影响。在分析和总结我国300 MW等级CFB锅炉机组一次风机选型经验的基础上,参照一次风机选型设计规范,并综合考虑多种因素对一次风机选型裕量的影响,对600 MW等级CFB机组一次风机的选型裕量进行分析,并提出适用于大型CFB锅炉一次风机的选型裕量。在此基础上,通过分析一次风机风量调节方式的工作原理及适用范围,提出了在不同负荷下采用的风量调节方式。
From the operation situation of 300MW CFB which had been operating, such a big margin of selection and departure from the high efficiency operation were the main problem for the primary air fan. It influence the economic and safe operation. Based on the experience of analyzing and summarizing the selection of primary air fan about 300MW CFB, referring to code for design and considering to the influence of multiple parameters, the margin selection of primary air Pan was analyzed and the suitable margin selection was proposed. On this basis, the air regulation mode was proposed at different loads by analyzing the operational principle and scope of application of the air regulation mode.
Power System Engineering