

Relationship between estimated glomerular filtration rate and 10-year cardiovascular disease risk in Chongqing college staff
摘要 目的评价重庆高校教职工估算肾小球滤过率(eGFR)与10年心血管疾病风险(10y CVDR)的关系。方法收集2013年4月重庆两所大学2 630名教职工的体检资料。计算每个教职工的eGFR和10y CVDR,分析不同eGFR水平组10y CVDR的差异。结果纳入分析的职工平均年龄为(51.76±14.53)岁,男性明显高于女性。吸烟者占16.00%,高血压患者占15.20%,糖尿病患者占4.10%,男性吸烟、高血压、糖尿病患者明显多于女性(P<0.05)。男性身高、体质量、体质量指数、收缩压、舒张压、血清肌酐、三酰甘油、低密度脂蛋白及血糖均明显高于女性(P=0.000),高密度脂蛋白明显低于女性(P=0.000)。10y CVDR的中位数为1.25%,男性明显高于女性(2.85%vs.0.40%,P<0.01)。eGFR≥90mL·min-1·1.73m2组、75mL·min-1·1.73m2≤eGFR<90mL·min-1·1.73m2组、60mL·min-1·1.73m2≤eGFR<75mL·min-1·1.73m2组及eGFR<60mL·min-1·1.73m2组的10y CVDR中位数分别为0.74%、2.25%、5.58%和14.39%。非参数检验结果显示,与eGFR≥90mL·min-1·1.73m2组相比,其余各组的10y CVDR均明显增高。结论 eGFR是影响10y CVDR的重要因素,eGFR水平越低心血管疾病风险越高。 Objective To analyze the relationship between the estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) and 10-year car‐diovascular disease risk (10y CVDR) in Chongqing college staff .Methods The physical examination data of the staff in two univer‐sities including 2630 persons were collected in April 2013 .The eGFR and 10y CVDR of each staff were calculated according to the standardized formula .The differences of 10y CVDR among different eGFR level groups were analyzed .Results The average age of all the staff were (51 .76 ± 14 .53) years old ,which in males was significant higher than that in females (P〈0 .01) .The smokers , hypertension patients and diabetes patients accounted for 16 .00% ,15 .20% and 4 .10% respectively .The smokers ,hypertension and diabetes patients in males were significantly more than than those in females (P〈0 .05) .The height ,weight ,BMI ,systolic pressure , diastolic pressure ,serum creatinine ,triglyceride ,LDL and blood glucose in males were significantly higher than those in females (P=0 .000) ,while HDL in males was significantly lower than that in females (P=0 .000) .The median of 10y CVDR was 1 .25% , males were significantly higher than females (2 .85% vs .0 .40% ,P〈0 .01) .The median of 10y CVDR for the following groups were 0 .74% ,2 .25% ,5 .58% and 14 .39% respectively :eGFR≥90 mL·min^-1 · 1 .73 m^2 ,75 mL·min^-1 · 1 .73 m^2 ≤eGFR〈90 mL·min^-1 · 1 .73 m^2 ,60 mL·min^-1 · 1 .73 m^2 ≤eGFR〈75 mL·min^-1 · 1 .73 m^2 ,and eGFR〈60 mL·min^-1 · 1 .73 m^2 .The results of the one‐way analysis of variance showed that compared to the 10y CVDR of the group with eGFR≥90 mL·min^-1 · 1 .73 m^2 ,which of the other three groups were all significantly increased .Conclusion eGFR is a significant factor impacting 10y CVDR . The lower the eGFR level ,the higher the risk of the 10y CVDR .
出处 《重庆医学》 CAS 北大核心 2015年第15期2096-2098,共3页 Chongqing medicine
基金 重庆市卫生局面上项目(2012-2-146)
关键词 估算肾小球滤过率 10年心血管疾病风险 高校教职工 glomerular filtration rate 10 year cardiovascular disease risk college staff
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