
多相催化研究生产中存在的几个问题 被引量:1

Several Problems in the Research and Application of Heterogeneous Catalysis
摘要 多相催化反应机理、贵金属催化剂载体材料选用、铁基氨合成催化剂中氧化铝的毒害作用、钌基氨合成催化剂等多个问题值得再研究。由于根本不可信的化学反应模式循环催化机理(Cyclic Catalytic Mechanism of Chemical Reaction ModelCRMM)长期占了主导思想,并被催化学术界推崇为"principle";基础理论出错,结果导致科研和生产中出现许多问题,大量资源被糟蹋,尤其是贵金属催化剂。 There were many challenges which should be further researched with respect to these problems, such as the heterogeneous catalysis mechanism, the choice of support material for the noble metal catalyst, the toxicity of alumina in iron- based ammonia synthesis catalyst, the feasibility of ruthenium based ammonia synthesis catalyst, etc. The unreliable CRMM played a leading role all along yet for a long time, and was respected as "principle" by catalytic academia. As a result of such a wrong CRMM, the scientific research and production had got into in the blind state, a large number of resources were wasted, especially noble metal catalysts.
作者 金家敏
机构地区 上海材料研究所
出处 《广州化工》 CAS 2015年第10期47-49,92,共4页 GuangZhou Chemical Industry
关键词 多相催化 催化机理 ECDAM heterogeneous catalysis catalytic mechanism ECDAM
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