
云南省护生护患关系影响因素及其实习成效分析 被引量:4

Analysis of the influencing factors of nursing student-patient relationship and practice effectiveness in Yunnan province
摘要 目的 调查我省护生护患关系现状,研究护生护患关系的影响因素及其实习成效.方法 采用多阶段分层整群抽样的方法,对在云南省2所三级甲等医院实习的483名护生进行问卷调查.结果 483名护生中,促进型关系379名占78.5%,权威型关系101名占20.9%,机械型关系3名占0.6%.其人口学特征和影响护生护患关系的因素在三种类型中差异无统计学意义,在实习成效方面,不同关系类型的实习护生在学生个人及专业成长、学生自信及自尊增长方面得分差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).在学生个人及专业成长方面,权威型护生最低为(3.96±0.78)分,机械型护生、促进型护生则为(4.17±0.29)、(4.17±0.54)分,三者比较,F=4.82,P<0.01.在学生自信及自尊增长方面,促进型护生得分最高,为(4.01±0.59)分,三者比较,F-3.93,P<0.05.在患者健康促进及自护增强方面,三者比较差异无统计学意义.结论 从护生的角度看,护生护患关系大多为促进型关系,且促进型关系的护生通过实习,个人及专业成长、自信及自尊增长较明显. Objective The aim of this study was to describe nursing student-patient relationship in Yunnan province,and study its influencing factors and practice effectiveness.Methods The multi-phase stratified cluster random sampling method was adopted to investigate 483 internship nursing students in two first class hospitals in Yunnan province.Results Among 483 nursing students,379 (78.5%) students belonged to facilitative relationship,101 (20.9%) students belonged to authoritative relationship,and 3 (0.6%) students belonged to mechanistic relationship.Sociodemographic data and factors related to three type of relationship showed no statistical significance among three types of nursing students.But student's personal and professional growth,student's increased confidence and self-esteem demonstrated statistical significance among three types of nursing students.In student's personal and professional growth,students of authoritative relationship got the lowest score (3.96±0.78) compared with students of mechanistic relationship and facilitative relationship [(4.17±0.29),(4.17±0.54)],F=4.82,P 〈 0.01.In student's increased confidence and self-esteem,no significant difference was seen.Conclusions Nursing students' perceptions of student-patient relationship are mostly facilitative.And students' personal and professional growth and confidence and self-esteem increased obviously through internship for students with facilitative student-patient relationship.
出处 《中国实用护理杂志》 2015年第13期966-969,共4页 Chinese Journal of Practical Nursing
基金 云南省卫生厅卫生系统学科带头人培训计划(D-201246) 昆明医科大学教研教改立项课题(2012JY25)
关键词 学生 护理 护士病人关系 临床实习 影响因素 Students,nursing Nurse-patient relations Clinical clerkship Contextual factors
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