
西方媒介暴力研究的学术图谱与发展趋势——基于EBSCO数据库中近年来相关论文的内容分析 被引量:1

摘要 通过对西方媒介暴力研究的研究方法、焦点问题与深层心理机制三个维度对最近4年EBSCO数据库中的媒介暴力研究论文分析,显示西方媒介暴力的研究方法正日益走向多元,媒介暴力的影响研究仍然是焦点问题,效果产生的心理机制是新的研究兴奋点。
作者 龚芳敏
机构地区 吉首大学 武汉大学
出处 《湖南省社会主义学院学报》 2015年第2期83-86,共4页 Journal of Hunan Institute of Socialism
基金 教育部人文社会科学研究项目"北美媒介环境学派的媒介理论研究:一种传播思想史的视角"(项目编号:12YJA860008) 吉首大学新开课程建设项目"媒介社会学(批准号:2013KCB03)"的阶段性研究成果之一
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  • 2Andrew J. Weaver. A meta-analytical review of selective exposure to and the enjoyment of media violence[J]. Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media, 2011(2): 232-250.
  • 3Douglas A. Gentile. Media violence associations with the form and function of aggression among elementary school chil-drensode [J], Social Development, 2011 (2) : 213- 232.
  • 4Douglas A. Gentile, Brad J. Bushman. Reassessing media violence effects using a risk and resilience approach to under- standing aggression[J]. Psychology of Popular Media Culture, 2012( 3):138-151.
  • 5Barbara Krahe', Robert Busching, Ingrid M? ller. Media violence use and aggression among german adolescents:associ- ations and trajectories of change in a three-wave longitudinal study[J]. Psychology of Popular Media Culture, '2012 ( 3): 152-166.
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  • 7Brad J. Bushman, Hannah R. Rothstein, Craig A. Ander- son. Much ado about something: violenl video game effects and a school of red herring: reply to Ferguson and Kilhurn [J]. Psychological Bulletin, 2010 (2) : 182- 187.
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  • 9C. S. Gulas, K. K. McKeage, M.G. Weinberger. It's just a joke[J]. Journal of Advertising, 2010 (4), 109- 120.
  • 10Yeryn Riddle. Always on my mind: exploring how frequent, recent, and vivid television portrayals are used in the fomlation of social reality judgments [J]. Media Psychology, 2010 ( 13): 155 -179.










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