

The EU and the Regional Regime of Prevention for International Nuclear Terrorism
摘要 欧洲是世界上一体化程度最高的地区,欧盟为其成员国提供了有效的地区安全以及其他地区公共物品。任何"脆弱"的核与放射性资产都具有潜在地引发核恐怖行为的可能性,欧洲地区核与放射性资产的"脆弱性"与恐怖主义的叠加,使得欧盟也不能游离于核恐怖主义威胁之外。在欧盟所有的国家都已经加入《制止核恐怖主义行为国际公约》基础上,欧盟又通过了一系列的战略、行动计划及"共同立场"、"共同行动"等文件来加强防范核恐怖主义的措施。核恐怖主义威胁既可以源自欧盟地区内部,也可以来自欧盟地区外部。一个纯粹的、封闭的地区机制不能完全胜任核恐怖主义对地区安全的威胁。更安全的欧洲与世界需要欧盟实施更为开放性的核恐怖主义地区防范机制,以使其在国家、地区和全球层面同时发挥相应作用。 Europe is the region of the highest degree of integration in the world, which EU provides an effective regional security as well as other re-gional public goods. In Europe, there is a potential threat of nuclear terror-ism. Now, all of countries from EU have joined the International Convention for the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism. Also, the EU has adopted a series of strategies, action plans, common position, common actions and other documents to strengthen the measures to prevent the nuclear terrorism. The threat of nuclear terrorism can come both from the internal area of EU and the outside area. A pure and closed regional regime is not enough to cope with the threat of nuclear terrorism to the regional security. A safer Europe needs to implement the more open regional regime of prevention of nuclear terrorism. The EU should play a relevant role in levels of countries, region and the global to prevent the nuclear terrorism.
作者 杜彬伟 赵娟
出处 《世界地理研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第2期11-19,共9页 World Regional Studies
基金 国家社科基金重大项目"当代国际核政治和我国国家安全研究"(11&ZD181)
关键词 欧盟 地区安全 核恐怖主义 防范机制 EU regional security nuclear terrorism prevention regime
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