页岩气等温吸附实验多为临界温度以上的吸附实验,其得到的吸附量为过剩吸附量。为了研究页岩气超临界等温吸附机理,运用重力法,在临界温度以上,分别进行了甲烷和二氧化碳在页岩中的高压等温吸附实验。在分析经典型吸附和超临界吸附区别的基础上,通过修改的超临界等温吸附模型(Langmuir方程和微孔充填(Dubinin Radushkevich,D-R))对实验数据进行了拟合。结果表明:简单的Langmuir方程可近似拟合甲烷吸附实验数据,但精度不高,且无法拟合二氧化碳的吸附数据;将吸附相密度作为可优化参数,修改的微孔充填模型和Langmuir模型能很好地拟合甲烷和二氧化碳的吸附数据,其中修改的微孔充填模型拟合效果最好,且回归得到的超临界甲烷吸附相密度同文献报道的一致,表明吸附气可能以微孔充填的形式存在。
Shale gas isothermal adsorption experiments are mostly experiments above the critical temperature, the adsorption quantity obtained from the experiments is excess adsorption. In order to study super-critical iso-thermal adsorption mechanism of the shale gas, the weighting method was used in this study, the high pressure isothermal adsorption experiment have been made for methane and carbon dioxide in shale above the critical tem-perature. Based on the analysis of the typical adsorption and super-critical adsorption difference, through modified super-critical isothermal adsorption model (Langmuir equation and pore filling (Dubinin Radushkevich D-R)), ex-perimental data were fitted . Study indicates that the simple Langmuir equation can approximately fit experimental data of methane adsorption, but the accuracy is not high, and can't fit carbon adsorption data. When the density of the adsorbed phase as parameter can be optimized, the modified microporous packing model and the Langmuir model can fit well adsorption data of methane and carbon dioxide, Fitting effect is the best with the modified mi-croporous packing model, the adsorption phase density of super-critical methane is consistent with literature reports, suggesting that adsorbed gas may exists in the form of pore filling.
Coal Geology & Exploration