目的观察中西医结合卵巢早衰的临床疗效.方法:48 例患者,给予中药1 剂/d,2 次/d,连服21 d,中间休息7 d,连续3 个疗程.同时口服戊酸雌二醇片1 mg,1 次/d,连服21 d,于服雌激素后第12 d 加用安宫黄体酮,每天6 mg,连服10 d,同时停药.待下次月经来潮第5 d 开始续服上药,进入下1 个周期治疗,连续服用3 个月经周期.治疗前后各测1 次血激素含量:卵泡刺激激 (FSH)黄体生成素(LH)、催乳素(PRL)雌二醇(E2)等.有月经周期者均在周期1~3 d 测定.停药3 个月以后进行观察疗效.结果:痊愈23 例, 显效12 例,有效6 例,无效7 例,总有效率85.4%.结论:中西医结合治疗卵巢早衰的临床疗效显著,值得进一步研究.
ObjectiveTo observe the clinical effects of integrative medicine of premature ovarian failure. Method 48 patients weretreated with traditional Chinese medicine, one dose daily, twice a day, for 21 days. After a 7-day pause, another 21days of the sametreatment continues. At the same time, the patient is treated with oral Estradiol Valerate Tablets 1mg, once a day, for 21 days. On the twelfthday after estrogen, medroxyprogesterone acetate is treated for 10 days, 6mg a day. On the fifth day of the next menstruation another cycleof the same treatment continues,for 3 cycles. Before and after the treatment, blood follicle stimulating hormone content is measured: bowel(FSH) luteinizing hormone (LH), prolactin (PRL) and estradiol (E2) etc.. The patients with the menstrual cycle are measured in the periodof the first 3 days. 3 months after the treatment curative effect is observed. The results: 23 recovery , 12 good effect, 6 effect, 7 invalid.Thetotal efficiency is 85.4.
Clinical Journal Of Chinese Medicine
Combining traditional Chinese and Western medicine treatment
Premature ovarian failure