
美国天然气水合物研发进展及对中国的启示 被引量:7

Progress on research on the development of natural gas hydrates in the United States and its application to China
摘要 天然气水合物作为一种潜在的能源资源,因其资源量丰富以及分布广泛,愈来愈受到世界各国的关注。尽管目前尚无法实现对天然气水合物的商业化开发,但部分国家,如美国、日本、加拿大、韩国等,已针对相关领域开展了数十年的研究工作。其中,美国于2000年通过了甲烷水合物研发法案,推动了国家级甲烷水合物研发计划的制定和实施。经过美国联邦机构、私人机构和学术机构间的跨机构合作,在勘探、资源量评估、基础理论研究、开采、环境影响评价等方面取得了显著的进展,处于世界领先地位。本文系统归纳了美国国家甲烷水合物研发计划的建立、工作进展和未来方向,并基于分析为改进和完善中国的甲烷水合物研发工作提出建议。 Natural gas hydrates are being given increasing attention due to their extensive distribution and role as a potential energy source. Commercial production of natural gas hydrates is not yet feasible; however, countries such as USA, Japan, Canada, and Korea have been researching this energy source for decades. The Methane Hydrate Research and Development (R&D) Act of 2000 was authorized by U.S. Congress, to promote the planning and implementation of a national methane hydrate R&D program. Through cooperation among federal agencies, private institutions, and academics, signiifcant progress has been made in areas such as exploration, resource assessment, fundamental research, production, and environmental impact assessments. This paper ifrstly summarizes the establishment, progress, and future direction of America’s methane hydrate R&D program, and then provides suggestions for improving methane hydrate R&D in China.
作者 张炜 王淑玲
出处 《上海国土资源》 2015年第2期79-82,91,共5页 Shanghai Land & Resources
基金 中国地质调查局工作项目"国外地质文献资料集成服务与分析研究"(1212011220914) 中国地质调查局工作项目"非常规能源资源调查评价选区研究"(1212011220794)
关键词 能源资源 天然气水合物 甲烷水合物 研发计划 勘探开发 energy resources natural gas hydrate methane hydrate research and development program exploration and exploitation
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