

Effect of Total Rewards on the Engagement of Talents in Cultural and Creative Industries
摘要 全面报酬包括个体固定报酬、个体可变报酬、集体报酬、内部报酬、精神奖励、专业认可、晋升机会等7种具体的报酬方式.通过对800名文化创意类人才的调查分析发现:(1)全面报酬对文化创意类人才敬业度有显著的正向作用,标准化回归系数β值为0.65***,解释能力为43.0%;(2)内部报酬(β值0.43***)、专业认可(β值0.24***)、晋升机会(β值0.17***)和个体可变报酬(β值0.11***)对敬业度有显著的正向影响,个体固定报酬、集体报酬和精神奖励对敬业度的影响不显著.文章认为,实施全面报酬策略能有效提高员工敬业度,实施的基本思路是:着重从内部报酬、专业认可、晋升机会以及个体可变报酬进行激励,辅之以必要的个体固定报酬、集体报酬和精神奖励. Total rewards consist of seven specific ways of payment, namely, individual fixed payment, individual variable payment, collective payment, internal payment, spiritual encouragement, profession recognition and the promotion opportunities. The article conducted a questionnaire survey of 800 talents in cultural and creative industries and found that: (1) Total rewards has a significantly positive effect on the engagement of talents in cultural and creative industries. The standardized regression coefficient β is 0.65 and is able to explain 43%; (2) The internal payment (β 0.43), profession recognition( β 0.24), promotion opportunities(β 0.17) and individual variable payment (β 0.11) have significantly positive effect on the work dedication. Individual fixed payment, collective payment and spiritual encouragement don't have distinct effect on the engagement. The article suggests that the implementation of total rewards can effectively increase the employee engagement. The basic way to do so is encouraging employees with internal payment, profession recognition, promotion opportunities and individual variable payment, while individual fixed payment, collective payment and spiritual encouragement serve as necessary complements.
作者 黄志坚
出处 《深圳职业技术学院学报》 CAS 2015年第3期61-65,共5页 Journal of Shenzhen Polytechnic
基金 深圳市哲学社会科学"十二五"规划项目(课题编号125B053)
关键词 文化创意类人才 激励机制 敬业度 全面报酬 talents in cultural and creative industries incentive mechanism engagement total rewards
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