
中美关系中的朝核问题 被引量:6

The North Korean Nuclear Issue in the Context of China-U.S. Relations
摘要 中美两国在朝鲜半岛无核化的问题上,存在着基本的共同立场,都反对朝鲜半岛南北双方中的任何一方发展核武器,都主张通过六方会谈、以和平的方式解决朝鲜核问题。但在如何以和平方式解决朝核问题的措施与路径上,中美存在着诸多分歧。这给双方在朝核问题上合作带来极为复杂的影响。在朝核问题深陷僵局的形势下,如何按照六方会谈“9·19共同声明”规定的“承诺对承诺,行动对行动”原则,通过一揽子方案,在推进落实无核化相关措施的同时,采取措施逐步终结朝鲜半岛的战争状态和冷战状态,是中美两国在朝核问题上进行有效合作的切入点,也是双方为和平解决朝核问题发挥各自积极作用的共同基础。 On the issue of the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, China and the U.S. share common position on some basic points: both oppose the development of nuclear weapons by either side on the Peninsula; both stand for resolving the Korean nuclear issue in a peaceful manner through the Six-Party Talks. However, China and the U.S. have different views on the measures and means of the peaceful resolution of the issue, and this has produced complicated impact on their relevant bilateral cooperation. Under the deadlock situation of the Korean nuclear issue, China and the U.S. need to start effective cooperation through working out a package solution, according to the 'promise to promise, act to act' principle as outlined in the September 19 Joint Statement, to promote implementation of measures of denuclearization as well as take steps to end both the state of war and the cold war confrontation on the Peninsula. All these also serve as the common ground for China and the U.S. to play a positive role respectively in the peaceful resolution of the North Korea nuclear issue.
作者 杨希雨
出处 《国际问题研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第3期21-35,127,共15页 International Studies
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