
二战后缅甸社会城乡结构的变迁及其走向 被引量:1

The Change and Trend of the Urban and Rural Structure of Myanmar after World War II
摘要 社会结构是分析一个国家或地区社会状况、社会发展水平的重要坐标,认清了一个国家或地区的社会结构,就从本质上把握了这个国家或地区社会变动状况和趋向。缅甸社会变迁最集中体现在城乡结构的变迁,缅甸社会结构的实质性特点是工业化严重滞后于城市化,且城市化亦是处于较低水平。本文拟从缅甸城乡结构的特点管窥缅甸社会结构的变化与发展。 Social structure is an important perspective to analyze the social situation and social development level of a country or region, understanding of which means grasping the social changes and trends of the country or region in its essence. Burma is China's important neighbor, and the bilateral relations are important to both sides. With the deepening of its reform and strategic structure adjustment of its democratically elected government, which came to power in 2010, China - Myanmar relations face many challenges. Under this background, it is urgent to analyze the social structure of Burma, especially the change of the urban and rural structure. The substantive characteristics of Myanmar social structure are that its industrialization is seriously lagging behind urbanization, while the urbanization is at a low level. This paper examines the change and development of the social structure of Burma by analysis of its urban and rural structure.
作者 刘军
出处 《学术探索》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第6期56-62,共7页 Academic Exploration
关键词 二战缅甸 城乡结构 城市化 工业化 社会结构变迁 urban and rural structure urbanization industrialization social structure
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