
针灸治疗偏头痛随机平行对照研究 被引量:8

Study on Acupuncture Treatment of Migraine by Randomized Parallel Control Trial
摘要 [目的]观察针灸治疗偏头痛疗效。[方法]使用随机平行对照方法,将90例住院及门诊患者按就诊顺序编号/病志号抽签方法简单随机分为两组。对照组45例,急性发作:麦角胺/咖啡因片2片;缓解期:氟桂利嗪(西比灵)胶囊5mg,2次/d。治疗组45例针灸,风池、百会、太阳、率谷、头维、绝骨,合谷、太冲、阿是穴,风池针尖微下,向鼻尖斜刺0.8~1.2寸,或平刺透风府穴,捻转补法;百会、太阳、率谷、头维平刺0.5~0.8寸,捻转泻法;合谷、太冲直刺0.5~0.8寸,平补平泻;绝骨沿胫骨前缘直刺2~3寸,泻法强刺激;阿是穴(多为搏动处)齐刺,阿是穴平刺0.5~1寸与胆经平行,与其45度角左右旁开0.5寸向阿是穴平刺0.5~1寸;发作期:阿是穴或太阳三菱针点刺出血,常规进针得气后,选择头部2~4个穴连接电针治疗仪(连续波,频率1.5Hz,强度以患者耐受为度);外感风寒头痛加列缺、风门;外感风热头痛加大椎、外关;肝阳上亢加行间、悬颅;痰浊头痛加中脘、丰隆、阴陵泉;瘀血头痛加血海、三阴交;血虚头痛加脾俞、足三里;肾虚头痛加肾俞、太溪、天柱;视疼痛程度及情志因素可加内关、人中。均连续治疗10天为1疗程,疗程间休息2天,继续下一疗程。观测临床症状、头痛、症状评分、不良反应。连续治疗3疗程,判定疗效。[结果]治疗组临床治愈18例,显效20例,有效4例,无效3例,总有效率93.56%。对照组临床治愈10例,显效15例,有效9例,无效11例,总有效率75.56%。治疗组疗效优于对照组(P〈0.05)。[结论]针灸治疗偏头痛,疗效满意,无严重不良反应,值得推广。 [Objective]Observe the clinical therapeutic effect of acupuncture in the treatment of migraine. [Methods]Using random parallel control method, 90 cases of migraine patients were randomly divided into two groups according their pathography numbers/the visiting sequence numbers by lots. The control group of 45 cases, acute phase:2 pills of ergotamine/caffeine; paracmasis: Flunarizine(5 mg), 2 times/d. The treatment group of 45 cases were treated by acupuncture with Baihui(DU20), Fengchi(GB20), Taiyang(EX-HN5), Shuaigu(GB8), Touwei(ST8), Juegu(GB39), Hegu(LI4), Taichong(LR3)and Ashi points. Fengchi:needle tip downward to the apex nasi stick into 0.8~1.2 inch or stick flat toward the opposite Fengchi with reinforcing by entwisting;Baihui Taiyang Shuaigu Touwei:stick flat into 0.5~0.8 inch with reduction by entwisting; Hegu Taichong:stick straightly into 0.5~0.8 inch by uniform reinforcing-reducing method; Juegu:stick straightly into 2~3 inch, reducing method strongly stimulated;Ashi points(most of them were throb points): triple puncture,stick flat into 0.5~1 inch parallelling to the gallbladder meridian,Stick flat into 0.5 inch from the left-right position which are 0.5 inch away from Ashi points about 45 degrees.Acute phase:prick to Ashi points or Taiyang to cause bleeding with three edged needle.After bring about the desired sensation by conventional inserting needle,select 2~4 acupoints of head to connect the electroacupuncture therapy apparatus(continuous wave, the frequency of 1.5Hz,the patient tolerated strength).Exogenous wind-cold headache:add Lieque,Fengmen; Exogenous wind-heat headache:add Dazhui, Waiguan; Hyperactivity of liver-yang:add Xingjian,Xuanlu; Phlegm headache:add Zhongwan, Fenglong, Yinlingquan;Haemostasis headache:add Xuehai Sanyinjiao; Blood-insufficiency headache:add Pishu,Zusanli;Kidney-deficiency headache:add Shenshu,Taixi,Tianzhu;Neiguan,Renzhong can be added according to the level of pain and emotional factors.Both of the two groups were treated 10 days as a course of treatment,had two days off,then received the next course.Observed the clinical symptoms,headache,symptoms scores,adverse reaction.Judged the curative effect after 3 courses in total.[Results] The treatment group: 40 cases were markedly effective, 6 cases were effective and there were 2 ineffective cases,total effective rate was 95.83%. The control group: 32 markedly effective cases, 6 effective cases, 10 invalid cases, the total effective rate was 79.17%. The treatment group's curative effect was better than that of control group(P〈0.05).[Conclusion] Acupuncture for migraine headaches has satisfied efficacy, no serious adverse reaction, is worth promoting.
出处 《实用中医内科杂志》 2015年第4期134-136,共3页 Journal of Practical Traditional Chinese Internal Medicine
关键词 偏头痛 针灸 电针 急性发作 麦角胺 咖啡因 缓解期 氟桂利嗪 全息疗法 随机平行对照研究 migraine acupuncture electroacupuncture acute attack ergotamine caffeine paracmasis
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