In the poetic history of Chinese literature, Tao Yuanming and Xie Lingyun, two great poets of the Six Dynasties, are always mentioned together. Although most of the literary criticism placed Tao ahead of Xie, Wang Fuzhi, an influential philosopher of the early Qing period, hold a different point of view in his Gushi pingxuan ( critical selection of ancient poetry) and praised Xie over Tao. Wang invited the Buddhist idea "pratysa" into his poetic criticism, thought crystal images could only be created with pratysa, and that existed in Xie's poetry. He took "shenli" as ideal presentation; he had a negative opinion for "li" appearing in poem in the way of logic. "Shi" is the tension and direction of a poem ; Wang emphasized "shi" in poetry. This paper is to explore the poetic ideas of Wang through the close reading of his criticism on the poetry of Tao and Xie, and furthermore makes a thorough discussion on the key terms of pratysa, shenli, and shi, which are essential in Wang's poetic system.
Fudan Journal(Social Sciences)