
中美经贸关系发展的新常态 被引量:7

The “New Normal”of China-U. S. Economic and Trade Relations
摘要 随着中美各自国内经济形势的新发展、中美经济总量对比的新变化和双边经贸互动的新趋势,中美经贸关系出现了新的常态。首先,中美经济总量和双边经贸关系趋向均衡。其次,中美两国在国际和地区经贸规则制定上存在着制度竞争。再次,中美两国经贸互动中的利益置换思维愈发明显。最后,中美在全球经济治理中发挥着关键性的双核作用。这些新常态带来新机遇,也诱发新挑战。中美两国要认真研究新常态,充分考虑新常态的特征,并立足于此更好地谋划中美新型大国关系的构建。 With the new development of China and the U.S. economy, the new changes on China and U.S. gross domestic products comparison, and the new trend on bilateral trade and economic interaction, a new normal has appeared in Sino-U. S. economic and trade relations which is characterized by the following aspects. Firstly, both the total volume of China and US economies and bilateral economic relations are inclined to be balanced. Secondly, China and U.S. are competing over international and regional economic and trade rules. Thirdly, thinking of intermingled interests is getting increasingly apparent in China-U. S. economic and trade interaction. Last but not least, China and the U.S. are playing a two-core role in the global economic governance. The new normal has brought some new opportunities, while inducing new challenges as well. Both China and the U.S. should treat it seriously to study the new normal, take all the features of the new normal into full consideration, and build a new type of Sino-US economic and trade relations with this basis.
作者 宋国友
出处 《复旦学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第3期150-156,共7页 Fudan Journal(Social Sciences)
基金 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目"美国各州与中美贸易关系研究"(项目批准号:14JJD810011)的阶段性成果 "复旦大学中美新型大国关系协同创新中心"的资助
关键词 中美经贸关系 制度竞争 利益置换 全球治理 China-U. S. economic relations rules competition intermingled interests global governance
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