以氢氧化铝、氢氧化钠和硫酸铵为原料,制备SO42-/γ-Al2O3固体超强酸,并将其用于催化酯化合成乙酸正丁酯。研究了浸渍液浓度、焙烧温度、催化剂用量、反应时间和酸醇摩尔比对酯化率的影响。结果表明,浸渍液浓度为1 mol/L、焙烧温度500℃、催化剂用量5%、反应时间3.5 h和酸醇摩尔比1∶2.5,酯化率达到95.7%。气质联用色谱仪对所得产品进行定性分析,无副产物,催化剂具有较好的选择性。
Based on AI (OH) 3, NaOH and ( NH4 ) 2 S04, SO42/γ-Al2O3 solid super acid was prepared n-butyl acetate was synthesized with S042 /γ-Al2O3 solid super acid as catalyst. Effects of the concen and tra- tion of steeping liquid, calcination temperature, dosage of catalyst, reaction time and molar ratio of acetic acid to n-butyl alcohol were studied. The result showed that the steeping liquid concentration of 1 mol/L, calcination temperature 500 ℃, dosage of catalyst 5% ,reaction time 3.5 h and molar ratio of acetic acid to n-butyl alcohol 1 : 2.5, the conversion rate of acetic acid was 95.7 %. The selectivity of catalyst was ex- cellent and no by-product has been found by GC-MS.
Applied Chemical Industry