

Design and application of the optical modulation system before image formation
摘要 建立了成像前光学调制系统,利用移相莫尔条纹的产生原理,实现了调制臂子系统的匹配和校准;研究了调制臂子系统的标定方法,以建数字微镜器件(DMD)的寻址坐标和电荷耦合器件(CCD)图像平面坐标之间的对应关系;提出了基于成像前光学调制系统的Sobel边缘检测方法,避免了冗繁的软件卷积运算;最后,针对三维形貌测量中用到的回光标记点进行Sobel边缘检测实验。实验结果表明:基于成像前光学调制系统的Sobel边缘检测方法,将原本17 N次的软件加法运算减少为3 N次,原本20 N次的软件乘法运算减少到2 N次,有效地提高了处理器的运算效率。 With the development of advanced manufacture, vision measurement is required to be with higher accuracy,higher efficiency, more smart and more flexible. Traditional vision detection system is limited in image processing power due to the state of semiconductor fabrication. In order to enhance de- tection efficiency, the optical modulation system before image formation is built in this paper. Moreover, accurate CCD-to digital micro-mirror device (DMD) correspondence is adjusted by using the phase-shift- ing Moir6 method. The modulation arm subsystem is calibrated to build the transformation relationship between the CCD image coordinate and DMD addressing coordinate. Subsequently, Sobel edge detection based on the optical modulation system before image formation is proposed. Finally, the experiment of the edge feature detection of light-back marker in the 3D scan technology is implemented. Experimental results show that additive operations of the proposed method are down to 3N compared with 17N opera- tions of traditional vision detection,and multiply operations are down to 2N compared with 20N opera- tions of traditional vision detection. In conclusion, our proposed method can effectively detect edge fea- tures of object.
出处 《光电子.激光》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第5期919-924,共6页 Journal of Optoelectronics·Laser
基金 国家自然科学基金(51275350) 天津市应用基础及前沿技术重点(14CZDGX00015)资助项目
关键词 成像前光学调制 边缘检测 数字微镜器件(DMD) 视觉检测 optical modulation before image formation edge detection digital micro-mirror device(DMD) vision detection
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