

Spatial-temporal Distribution of Neosalanx taihuensis Spring-stock and Autumn-stock in Wuqiangxi Reservoir
摘要 2011年7月至2012年6月,在五强溪水库设置6个采样点,采取灯光诱捕方法,调查太湖新银鱼的资源量和时空格局分布。在五强溪水库周年均能捕到银鱼,平均体重最小0.02 g、最大1.15 g。春群在9月捕捞到的数量最多(1 689尾),4月捕捞到的数量最少(仅24尾);秋群在2月捕捞到的数量最多(2 532尾),11月捕捞到的数量最少(135尾)。春群和秋群资源量在时间上无显著差异。6个采样点春群和秋群的出现率均达88.68%,各采样点分布不均,非网箱养殖区比养殖区银鱼资源量丰富。五强溪水库银鱼资源量限制的主要因素是饵料保证程度不高,对肉食性鱼类翘嘴鲌、鳜、鳡、乌鳢等捕捞力度不够,以及过度捕捞和滥用密网捕捞。合理利用银鱼资源的措施包括禁止在繁殖高峰期(3-5月,9-11月)捕捞银鱼、禁止使用密眼网(网目小于2-3 mm)捕捞、控制捕捞强度和划定繁殖保护区。 Neosalanx taihuensis populations have declined worldwide over the past 50 years due to loss of natural habitat. Wuqiangxi Reservoir lies in the middle reach of the Yuanjiang River in Hunan Province and Neosalanx taihuensis from Dianchi Lake were introduced in 1997. Annual production of Neosalanx taihuensis reached a maximum of 500 t in 1999 and 2000 but in recent years annual production has declined to less than 100 t. We studied the spatial-temporal distribution patterns of Neosalanx taihuensis in Wuqiangxi reservoir to determine the resource status,analyze factors influencing the resource and more fully understand the dynamics leading to population declines. The study will also provide data for establishing protection measures and distribution patterns necessary to maintain the fishery in Wuqiangxi reservoir. Monthly surveys of Neosalanx taihuensis resources were conducted at 6sampling sites( 3 in culture areas and 3 in non-culture areas) from July,2011 to June,2012 except in January and May of 2012. Neosalanx taihuensis samples were captured by lift net with 2-3 mm mesh,both with light to attract fish and without. The collected samples were grouped into spring-stock and autumn-stock,according to the size and degree of maturity,and the two groups were then counted and weighed. Results indicate that Neosalanx taihuensis is distributed widely throughout the year,with occurrence rates of 88. 68% for both spring and autumn groups at the six sampling sites. The minimum and the maximum average weights of captured Neosalanx taihuensis were 0. 02 g and 1. 15 g,respectively. The spatial distribution was uneven and the resource in non-breeding area was richer than in cage culture areas,indicating that the development and distribution of Neosalanx taihuensis resources is related to environmental and human factors. But no significant spatial differences were observed in the abundances of spring and autumn groups. The abundances of both groups were rich before the breeding season,dropped sharply during breeding season and then rebounded. The largest spring group number was recorded in September( 1 689individuals) and the smallest number in April( 24 individuals),while the largest autumn group number was recorded in February( 2 532 individuals) and the smallest number in November( 135 individuals). The Neosalanx taihuensis resource in Wuqiangxi Reservoir is limited by insufficient prey,predation by carnivorous fishes,over fishing and the use of capture net with small mesh. Several measures are suggested to achieve sustainable use of the Neosalanx taihuensis resource: prohibition of fishing during the period of peak reproduction( March to May,September to November),protecting the spawning grounds and reducing human disturbance.
出处 《水生态学杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第3期56-60,共5页 Journal of Hydroecology
关键词 五强溪水库 太湖新银鱼 时空格局 Wuqiangxi Reservoir Neosalanx taihuensis spatial-temporal distribution patterns
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