
针对网络信息系统的个人隐私保护方案 被引量:4

Personal Privacy Protection Scheme for Network Information Systems
摘要 提出一个针对网络信息系统中的个人隐私保护方案.隐私数据被提交给服务器端存储之前,方案将对其进行加密,使得密文即使泄露也难以破译,从而保证了数据的安全性.为了支持密文相关的各类查询,方案还设计了文本索引方法和查询转换方法,使得部分用户查询可以在服务器端执行,而无需解密数据,从而提高了数据查询效率.最后,理论分析和实验评估验证了方案的安全性和有效性. This paper presents an effective scheme for the problem of personal privacy protection in a network information system. Be- fore being submitted to store at the server's database of a network information system,the privacy data first will be encrypted,such that the encrypted data even if being stolen unfortunately cannot be understood. Then, to support a variety of query operations over encrypt- ed data,this paper designs and implements an index method and a query translation method,such that a great part of a user's query op- eration can be executed at the server's side without the need to decrypt data,consequently improving the query efficiency. Last,both the theoretical analysis and experimental evaluation validate the security and effectiveness of our proposed scheme.
出处 《小型微型计算机系统》 CSCD 北大核心 2015年第6期1291-1295,共5页 Journal of Chinese Computer Systems
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(61202171 51379176)资助 中国博士后科学基金项目(2013T60623 2012M521251)资助 浙江省自然科学基金项目(LY12F01016 LQ13F020009 LQ13D010001 Y15F020066)资助
关键词 信息系统 隐私保护 加密索引 查询转换 information systems privacy protection encryption and index query translation
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