
包容性领导研究述评与展望 被引量:56

Inclusive Leadership:Review and Prospects
摘要 工作场所中的员工多样化使得包容性管理日益受到重视,作为包容性管理核心之一的包容性领导也因此得到广泛关注。鉴于此,首先对包容性和包容性管理进行了回顾;然后,对包容性领导理论、构念、影响因素和作用等进行了深入阐述,并结合中国情境,进一步提出包容性领导的二维结构及可能测量方式;最后,提出了中国情境下包容性领导的未来研究方向,以期对今后的相关研究有所借鉴。 With the increasing diversity of employees in the workplace, inclusion management has shown its importance. As one of the key aspects of inclusion management, inclusive leadership thus attracts attention from both academia and industry. This paper first reviewed the previous studies on inclusion and inclusion management, and then explained the theories, construct, antecedents and out- comes of inclusive leadership. Further, based on Chinese context, the authors put forward a two--di- mension construct of inclusive leadership and explained its possible measurement, followed by the dis- cussion on future directions.
出处 《管理学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第6期932-938,共7页 Chinese Journal of Management
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(71132003)
关键词 多样化管理 包容性管理 包容性领导 中国情境 diversity management inclusion management inclusive leadership Chinese context
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