
互联网+的价值创造效应及其生成机理 被引量:14

The Value Creation Effect of Internet Plus and its Formation Mechanism
摘要 互联网+的核心是互联网的创新应用。互联网在各行业的创新应用,大幅提升了作业效率,衍生出诸多新型业态和新型商业模式,创造了巨大的经济价值和社会价值,主要体现在:互联网集中了信息技术资源和服务,大幅提高了IT资源的应用效率;互联网平台降低了应用技术门槛,最大限度扩展了信息技术用户规模;互联网数据中心集中整合了数据资源,挖掘出大数据价值潜力;互联网在管理中的应用创新引起体制机制的变革,以技术方式突破了体制机制屏障;互联网与云计算的结合加强了信息系统综合集成,实现智慧管理与服务。互联网+的价值创造效益具有独特的生成机理。首先,互联网+通过将市场交易双方的博弈改变为无限重复动态博弈,形成诚信自律机制,提高了市场交易效率从而形成增值;其次,互联网的创新应用向资本市场展示了收益前景,以内部学习效应形成了以未来收益弥补当前亏损的资本补偿机制,挖掘了知识价值;第三,互联网+形成了特色鲜明的新型互联网商业平台,以交叉补贴机制确保长期可持续经营,创造了低成本、高收益的价值增值模式。鉴于互联网已经成为涉及公共利益、承载公共服务的信息基础设施,建议将互联网视为国家战略基础设施,纳入监管保护体系;针对互联网+相关的知识产权和个人信息制定有效的保护措施,利用内部学习效应鼓励和保护互联网创新应用;开展多层次多环节的试点示范,鼓励发展各类互联网应用平台,为互联网企业提供数据开放、市场开放服务,帮助中小企业和社会大众利用互联网创新创业。 The emphases of Intemet plus is innovation of Intemet application. Innovation of Internet application substantially raises work efficiency, and promotes many new industries and many new business models, it creates great economic and social value. Mainly reflected in: Internet plus greatly improves efficiency of IT resources by centralization of IT resource, Internet platform expands the user scale of IT to maximum by reducing technical threshold for public, Internet data center derives potential value of big data by collection of data resource, The new management based on Internet leads to reforms in social system and economic mechanism, the combination of the Internet and cloud computing induces smart management and smart service by integration of information systems. Internet plus has three special mechanisms to create economic and social value, firstly it improves market efficiency by self-discipline mechanism which is based on indefinitely repeated games between buyers and sellers, secondly it gets capital compensation by inner-study mechanism which excavates value of knowledge, and thirdly it sets up new intemet business platforms by cross-subsidy mechanism which innovates business model with low cost and high revenue. On the basis of the mechanisms, there are some proposals: Intemet should be supervised as national infrastructure because it highly involves in public interests and security; Intellectual property and personal information related to Internet plus should be protected in details to encourage innovation, Cultivation policy should be carried out, government procurement of internet services should be expanded, some industrial and local barriers to internet shoud be eliminated; Demonstration or pilot of application in every field should be developed, All kinds of the Internet platform should be encouraged, and open data for internet company should be improved.
作者 樊会文
出处 《工业经济论坛》 2015年第3期1-10,共10页 Industrial Economy Review
关键词 互联网 价值创造效应 生成机理 intemet value creation effect formation mechanism
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