该系统使用Web技术设计一个动态的电子商务网站,它是在Windows XP系统下,以SQL Server 2005为数据库开发平台,采用JSP技术开发的一个基于网络的床上用品购物系统。其中前台部分由用户使用,主要包括用户的注册功能,用户登录界面,购物车管理,订单提交等功能;后台由管理员使用,主要包括管理员对系统信息管理,商品信息管理,订单信息管理,用户信息管理,公告信息管理等。结果表明该系统达到了预期目标。
The online store shopping system uses Web technology to design dynamic e-commerce website. With SQL Server 2005 database development platform,the bedding shopping network system based on Java Server Pages (JSP) technology was de-veloped in Windows XP system. Its front-stage part,which is used by the customs,includes custom registration function,cus-tom login interface,shopping cart management,order submission and other functions. Its back-stage part,which is used by the administrators,includes system information management,commodity information management,order information management, customer information management,announcement information management and other functions. Test results show that the pro-posed system achieved expelted objective.
Modern Electronics Technique