
命题意义重复视角下语篇衔接与主旨大意的关系及应用研究 被引量:1

Exploring the Relation Between Cohesion in Texts and Texts' Main Ideas in Terms of Proposition Repetition and Its Application
摘要 本文在命题意义重复的视角下研究硬新闻的衔接与它们的主旨大意的关系,并在此基础上研究读者为该体裁语篇撰写摘要的策略以及各种策略涉及的词汇语法知识。研究的结果表明硬新闻命题的频率与它们对于新闻主旨大意的重要程度不成正比关系。实验显示读者在为该体裁语篇撰写摘要时主要采用删除次要命题、选择主要命题和概括这三种策略。本研究的发现表明,教师在讲授摘要写作策略时应着重讲解连接词、词汇重复关系、常见语篇组织模式的词汇语法特征和具有语篇组织功能的词汇等方面的知识。 This paper explores the relation between cohe- sion in hard news texts and their main ideas in terms of proposition repetition, and analyzes the strategies that readers use to write summaries for this text type and the lexico-grammatical devices involved in the strategies. It is found that there is no proportional relation between the frequencies of occurrence of propositions in hard news and their degrees of importance to the text meaning. The summary writers of our experiment revealed their tenden- cy in employing three strategies, namely deleting unim- portant propositions, selecting important propositions, and abstraction to write summaries. The findings of this study suggest that when teaching summary writing strategies, teachers should lay more emphasis on connectors, lexical cohesions, the lexico-grammatical features of common patterns of text organizations and discourse organizing words, etc.
作者 李元科 邓飞
出处 《外语与外语教学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第3期79-86,共8页 Foreign Languages and Their Teaching
基金 教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金项目"摘要写作策略的词汇语法手段研究" 广东省哲学社会科学"十二五"规划2012年度学科共建项目(项目编号:GD12XWW07) 华南师范大学青年教师科研培育基金项目(项目编号:13SK05)资助
关键词 衔接 命题意义重复 摘要写作 语篇组织 cohesion proposition repetition summarywriting discourse organization
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