【目的】将接收与解析成功的开放获取论文分发推送到作者机构和资助机构知识库。【方法】分析iSwitch系统技术框架,设计论文分发推送服务功能模块,利用任务调度代理与FTP协议实现论文的分发推送。【结果】iSwitch系统可以实现论文分发推送服务,并完成来自Web of Science的34 332条文章数据的分发推送。【局限】目前仅基于一种数据源完成论文分发推送,对基于多个数据推送方的更大体量数据的分发推送服务中可能遇到的问题考虑不够。【结论】实验结果表明,分发推送服务的工作流程机制是正确的,分发效率满足未来服务需求。
[Objective] To route Open Access articles which are received and parsed successfully to Institute Repository of Author and Funding. [Methods] Analyze the technology framework of iSwitch, then design the service architecture and function interface of Routing Articles, and finally use task agent and FTP to realize Articles Routing. [Results] The 34 332 articles from Web of Science, finally are routed successfully by iSwitch. [Limitations] Now Articles Routing is only based on one data source, but the consideration is not enough that the problems may happen in future service. [Conclusions] The experiment results show that workfiow mechanism of pushing and routing is correct and its efficiency can meet the future demand for services.
New Technology of Library and Information Service