

Advance in Hedgehog Signaling Pathway Mediating Intramuscular Adipocytes Differentiation
摘要 肌内脂肪直接影响猪肉的风味,肌内脂肪含量过低造成猪肉风味变差。肌内脂肪含量性状与瘦肉率性状之间呈负相关,单靠遗传育种同时解决猪的瘦肉率和肌内脂肪含量问题已经遇到瓶颈。本文主要综述hedgehog信号途径在胚胎发育期如何调控间充质干细胞成脂分化,在提高猪的瘦肉率的同时增加肌内脂肪含量,为我国瘦肉型猪的培育和猪肉品质调控研究提供新的思路。 Intramuscular fat level had direct effects on pork flavor that low intramuscular fat level might cause variation of pork flavor. There was a negative correlation between intramuscular fat level and lean meat percentage, therefore it was difficult to cope with the problem of this negative adipogenesis of mesenchymal stem cells via hedgehog correlation by genetic breeding technology sorely. Mediating on signaling was reviewed in this article. The aim is to increase intramuscular fat Ievel and lean meat percentage simuhaneously, thus giving comprehensive understanding of porcine breeding and pork quality regulation in china.
出处 《中国畜牧杂志》 CAS 北大核心 2015年第11期91-95,共5页 Chinese Journal of Animal Science
基金 浙江省钱江人才D类(QJD1202014)
关键词 HEDGEHOG信号通路 肌内脂肪 成脂分化 能量代谢 hedgehog signaling pathway intramuscular fat adipogenesis metabolism
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