
基因选择的本质 被引量:2

The Nature of Genic Selectionism
摘要 以道金斯为代表的基因选择论者认为,基因是自然选择的最终单位。维姆塞特认为基因选择的兴起和基因还原主义的思路关系密切。其实,基因选择的本质是自然选择在基因层次的运用,是自然选择+基因还原主义。因此,基因选择面临的困难实际来自基因还原主义。一些生物学家和哲学家已经开始质疑支撑基因还原主义的"基因"概念和"中心法则",而只有当基因还原主义被证明有问题时,我们才能真正颠覆基因选择。 Genie selectionists represented by Dawkins claim that gene is the ultimate unit of natural selection. Wimsatt thinks that the rise of the genie selectionism is closely connected with the genetic reduetionism. As a matter of fact, the nature of the genie selectionism is the application of natural selection at the genie level, i.e. the genic selectionism is the theory of natural selection plus the genetic reductionism. Therefore the difficulties faced by the genie selectionism come from the genetic reductionism. Some biologists and philosophers have begun to question the concept of gene and the Central Dogma, which firmly support the genetic reductionism. Only when the genetic reductionism is proved inadequate, can we finally overturn the genie selectionism.
出处 《自然辩证法通讯》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第3期29-33,共5页 Journal of Dialectics of Nature
关键词 道金斯 基因选择 基因还原主义 中心法则 Dawkins Genie selectionism Genetic reductionism Central Dogma
  • 相关文献


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