
论模型对生态系统的表征与实在性问题——生态模型视域中的理论生态学 被引量:1

Problems of Representation and Reality for Models of Ecosystem:Theoretical Ecology from Ecological Models Perspective
摘要 数学生态模型对生态系统实在性的表征存在三个问题:生态系统的物理化、简单模型与复杂模型选择的悖论、种群范式与生态系统范式的分歧等,主要原因可以归结为审视生态实体的尺度差异,以及由此引起的变量和参数选择的因果有效性的质疑。生态系统不存在普适的复杂性特征决定了生态模型的预测结果只能是假说,而非理论。 There are three problems in the representation of ecological realities by mathematical ecological models: ecosystem regarded as physical system, the paradox of choice between simple and complex models, and differences between population and system ecology paradigm. This is mainly because of the difference in scale regarding ecological entities and lower causal effectiveness of variables and parameters selection. The fact that there are no universal ecosystem complexities determines that model predictions can only be hypothesis rather than scientific theory.
作者 葛永林
出处 《自然辩证法通讯》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第3期34-39,共6页 Journal of Dialectics of Nature
基金 广东省哲学社会科学规划2013年度项目:奥德姆生态哲学思想研究(项目编号:GD13XZX03)
关键词 生态模型 理论生态学 生态尺度 实在性 Ecological model Theoretical ecology Ecological scale Reality
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